Sunday, April 27, 2008

Hide Username from Windows Login Screen

By default Windows lists each username in the login screen, except for the Administrator. You can hide a username from the Windows XP login screen by creating a registry entry. However, even if you hide the username from the login screen, it is possible for that user to login by the old Windows 2000 Ctrl+Alt+Del method.

By Pressing Ctrl+Alt+Del, the old small login screen kicks in, and the user can enter his username and password to login to the system.

Hiding a Username by Making a Registry Entry

  • Start Registry Editor. (Start->Run->"regedit")
  • Go to, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\SpecialAccounts\UserList
  • Create a new DWORD value named to the username you want to hide. For example, if the username you want to hide is "Vikas", create a new DWORD value called "Vikas" and give it a value of 0 to hide it from login screen.
  • Now log off to see it in action. You can press Win+L to temporary lock the system to check if it's working or not.

hiding a username from login screen by making a regitry entry

Note: Before you try to edit the registry, make sure you backup it first. For more information read how to safely edit the Windows' registry.

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